Nekocon Panel Submissions
Question: When can we expect to hear back about our panels? Answer: You should hear back about the status of your application by September 1, 2025.
Question: What kind of content is NekoCon looking for? Answer: We look for unique, entertaining, and educational programming. Programming that fits the theme of the convention is also desirable. Diversity is also something we strive for, to try not to overload the schedule with too many programs of the same subject matter.
Question: What is the theme for this year’s NekoCon? Answer: Cy-purr-punk
Question: What is the theme for this year’s NekoCon? Answer: Cy-purr-punk
Question: Are workshops considered panels? Answer: Yes, please apply for them using the panelist application.
Question: Can I charge for workshops? Answer: Yes. However, please keep in mind that workshop prices may affect your acceptance and/or attendance.
Question: Are meetups considered panels? Answer: No. NekoCon does not currently offer panel space for meetups.
Question: Are performances considered panels? Answer: NekoCon may or may not accept any performances as panels, depending on our time and space constraints. This includes but is not limited to: idol performances, mock trials, podcasts, LARP demonstrations, etc.
Question: Who is able to present at NekoCon? Answer: Anyone with a valid NekoCon badge is able to present. That means attendees of any level, vendors, staff, etc. Our only caveats are that those under the age of 18 will not be allowed to present 18+ content, and must be accompanied by a guardian for panelist check-in.
Question: Do I need to be pre-registered to present/submit? Answer: No. You are able to buy your badge on site and still present.
Question: There’s 18+ content? Answer: Yes. We have three levels of content at NekoCon. Most of our content is appropriate for all ages, but we do offer the option of 18+ content starting no earlier than 10pm, and we also offer a 13+ designation. Anyone entering an 18+ panel, including the presenter, must show ID. You must have a physical ID showing your picture and date of birth. We do not accept digital IDs or pictures of IDs. We do not check IDs for 13+ content; this designation is a courtesy discretionary warning.
Question: Why does the application ask for personal information? Answer: We ask for your legal name so that we can verify who you are for panelist check-in and in case we need to cross reference our records with registration. We ask for a date of birth because we require panelists to sign a tech waiver at panelist check-in, so any minor panelist must have a guardian sign for them. We ask for a phone number in case we need to contact you during the event. We will never divulge anyone’s personal information or use it for any other purposes.
Question: How does panelist check-in work? Answer: Check in is very important- it lets us know that you are at the convention and ready to present! At least 30 minutes before your program is scheduled to begin you will need to come to Panel Check In to complete the check in paperwork. You will only need to complete the paperwork once if you are doing multiple panels. Panelists will receive an email regarding the location and times of panelist check-in. We recommend doing this early so that you can enjoy the rest of the convention at your leisure.
Question: What is the tech waiver? Answer: Our tech waiver is a simple document that states you will not disturb or modify our technical equipment during your panel. All lead panelists are required to sign one (or have a guardian sign for them in the case of minor panelists) before presenting. This will be done when you check in as a panelist.
Question: What sort of tech setup does NekoCon provide? Answer: Standard theater style panel rooms are equipped with 2 wired microphones on the stage, an LCD projector with s-video and standard monitor hookup, HDMI and aux cord, screen, and set of speakers. Some rooms will have an additional microphone in the audience for Q&A. Rooms with alternate layouts may have limited equipment. If your computer uses a hookup not on this list, we ask that you please bring your own adapter as we cannot guarantee we will be able to provide one for you. If you are unsure what type of adaptors you may need, please email
Question: Does NekoCon provide a computer or internet for panelists? Answer: No, you must provide your own device to present your panel with. We are unable to provide dedicated internet for panels so we recommend that you have your presentation downloaded in a way that it can be presented offline should the venue internet get overloaded or go down.
Question: Will we be compensated in any way for presenting? Answer: Panelists will receive 1 regular attendee badge for NekoCon 2025 per panel presented.
Question: How much setup time will we get before the panel? Answer: There will be at least 30 minutes between all panels this year. This time will be divided between breakdown for the previous panel and setup for the next panel. Extended setup and breakdown time will be given as available upon request.
Question: Are rooms closed off at any point? Answer: Rooms will only be closed in the event that there are no seats left in the room, or for mature (18+) programming (which will occur after 10pm). Our convention staff will check IDs at the door. Room clears are also times when there are no attendees in the room other than panelists and staff.
Question: What if I am running late or need to cancel my panel? Answer: 15 minutes after your programming is scheduled to begin, if you haven’t shown up to your assigned room, your panel will be canceled. If you find that you cannot host your programming please let us know as soon as possible via email to
Question: What if I have any other questions? Answer: Please email any other questions or concerns to
Question: When are Applications Open? Answer: Applications will be open from March 15 2025 until July 15 2025.