Nekocon Ribbon Game!

Welcome to the Nekocon Badge Ribbon Game! The ribbon game is a fun, FREE way to enjoy the con even more while participating in the events and activities you would already be doing! The goal is to collect as many ribbons as you can throughout the weekend. That’s it! Lots of people have ribbons for trade, so keep an eye out for them. If you’d like to get involved in the ribbon game, please attend any of our 5 meetups during the con and join our social media!


We will have an awards ceremony on Sunday to celebrate those who have collected the most ribbons (and ribbon trash)! You could win a medal, a trophy, and even an exclusive ribbon!


For those who would like to order ribbons this year, our ribbon game group order is now open. Ribbons will be $0.18 each with a one-time setup fee of $14. We order through Marco Promos. For more information, please see our order form.


Ribbon Game Group Order Form 


The group order form will close on Saturday, August 31, 2024.


We have a Ribbon Index to help you in your ribbon collection journey. The index shows you what ribbons are available and where and how you can find them. Nothing is guaranteed, however, which is what makes the game so exciting.


The Ribbon Index can be found here 


To submit your own ribbon for inclusion in the Ribbon Index, please fill out this form: (Note: If you ordered through our group order, please do not fill out this form because your information will already be included in the index) Deadline for all Ribbon details needs to be in by Monday October 14. There will be a printed copy posted at the Ribbon Info booth located in Hall B.


For more information on the ribbon game, to see the Ribbon Game meetup schedule, or to hang out with other ribbon dealers and collectors, please join us at the following:




You may also email Margaret at [email protected] and/or Ami at [email protected] for assistance. Please use the subject line “Nekocon Ribbon Game Inquiry.”