General Policy


  1. Nekocon Entrance Policy: Nekocon has rented out the entire convention center. Badge checks at the entrances shall be conducted and therefore you will need an appropriate current year badge to enter the building. To pick up your badge you must enter the building at the southeast (where Hall C is located) next to the parking lot. Once you have a badge you may enter from either end of the building (the Hall C entrance or the entrances closest to the Embassy). All front facing doors are exit-only. Please plan accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please email
  2. Nekocon staff will attempt to make accommodations for the physically disabled to use the most convenient door. 
  3. If you have any questions regarding Nekocon policies or feel the need to report something or someone, please seek out your nearest Nekocon staff member, who can be identified by their vertically aligned staff badge.  They will assist you with getting to Nekocon Con Safety staff or Convention Operations (ConOps) 
  4. Attendee badges must be always worn conspicuously within the convention center. If your badge is ever covered, reversed, not worn, or carried inside of a pocket or bag, staff may request that you present it and wear it in a more visible manner or leave the building. Please keep this in mind while wearing cosplay outfits. If your membership badge is lost or stolen, you can check to see if it was turned in at the Nekocon registration table. If you remain unable to locate your membership badge, you must purchase another at full price to remain in convention space.
  5. Except for designated areas, smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, and those of similar nature are prohibited in the convention center, hotels, and immediately next to hotel or convention center doors.
  6. NekoCon is a family and friend-oriented convention. We wish for all of our attendees to be safe and enjoy the event. The main rule we ask for everyone to remember is “be polite and respect others”. 
  7. NekoCon does not tolerate harassment of any kind. Whether it’s based-on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, height, weight, planet of origin, or any other physical or civilized beliefs. This applies to all attendees, guests, panelists, staff, hotel employees, and/or convention center employees. Harassment is defined as derogatory comments, stalking, aggressive behavior, intentional physical contact of others, or altercations of any sort. If you believe you have been a victim of harassment, please find a NekoCon ConSafety staff member, or come to ConOps as soon as it occurs. They are identified with a vertical badge indicated as “Staff”. Please present details calmly and concisely. If you feel your safety is at risk, we want to know about it and stop it before it affects more people. If you feel our staff has not been able to meet your needs, or if you have further questions/concerns, please request a Chair or Human Resources to come to your location or come to ConOps.  To view a copy of our Harassment Policy, you can review here: Harassment Policy

The hotel and surrounding businesses are not dedicated completely for NekoCon use for the weekend. Members of the general public or other groups stay or visit the hotel to dine and socialize, or travel. Please be considerate, mindful, and respectful of non-convention individuals at all times.

  1. We ask all attendees, guests, staff, exhibitors, artists, etc. to remember the following:
  2. No means No
  3. “Cosplay is Not consent”. Please remember to always ask a cosplayer for a picture. Physical contact with a cosplayer just to have a photo taken if no consent was given is strictly prohibited at NekoCon. This would make anyone uncomfortable and ruin their experience at the event.
  4. Everyone has different comfort zones.  Please respect that and always act on the side of caution.
  5. If you see something, say something to the staff.  We are here to help and want everyone who enters our convention to feel welcome and safe.
  6. Anyone caught stealing or shoplifting in any part of the convention space will be removed from the convention space, remanded to Hampton Police Division, and banned from future Nekocon conventions as well as all ESSI sponsored events. We also reserve the right to share your name with other conventions in an informal warning system, and any victim(s) of the crime will have the opportunity to prosecute offenders. Please note, stealing or shoplifting could potentially result in a violation of Virginia State Code § 18.2-96. Petit Larceny or § 18.2-95. Grand Larceny depending on the severity of the offense.
  7. Cameras, backpacks, oversized coats, large bags, and/or packages are not allowed in the Nekocon dances. Exhibit Hall and Artist Alley policies are covered in a separate section. There are no bag check stations in these areas and we ask that you do not drop your bags off in front of these events as this could result in removal of those items from the area to Nekocon Lost and Found at Info Desk. You are strongly encouraged to leave these in a secure location.
  8. Staff and volunteers within Event Support Solutions, Inc. (ESSI), Nekocon, and the Hampton Roads Convention Center shall not be held liable for lost or stolen belongings. If any item is lost, please check with ConOps who will check NekoCon Lost and Found and, if necessary, direct you to HRCC’s Lost and Found . Unattended items left in the hallways shall be treated as Lost and Found or trash as the staff deem necessary to preserve convention cleanliness. Convention cleaning staff may do the same as necessary. At no time shall any staff member be held responsible for any abandoned items, even if they interacted with said item after abandonment. Please keep personal items on your person or in a secure location.
  9. Signs that offer paid or free services in public are prohibited. No flyers shall be permitted that offer other forms of paid or free non-approved solicitation (i.e. Glomp Me, Hugs For a $1, Back Rubs for Free, Follow Me for Glow Sticks).
  10. You must be 21 years of age to possess, purchase, drink, or transport alcohol under most circumstances. Please note Virginia State Code § 4.1-304-5 regarding the legal drinking age in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Private parties off the convention space are the responsibility of the individuals throwing the party. Do not carry any open alcoholic beverages around the convention area. Please note Virginia Code § 18.2-388 prohibits public intoxication. Please remain within the confines of your home or hotel room if intoxicated. If Nekocon staff determine you are too intoxicated to be in the convention center, you will be asked to leave on your own accord for the day. Further action may involve the Hampton Police Division.
  11. Please keep noise levels to a minimum to avoid disorderly conduct under Virginia Code article § 18.2-415 as well as City of Hampton Ordinance Sec. 22-9 Prohibited Noises which define noises which disturb public peace.
  12. No attendee shall be allowed to solicit, free or for any amount of money, any product or service from a hotel room associated with the Nekocon convention.
  13. Do not damage the Hampton Roads Convention Center or associated hotels, interiors, exteriors, or private property in any way. Signs or fliers may not be hung on any wall within the convention center or associated hotel without explicit permission from building staff. There will be a designated message/flier posting area provided for such materials to be posted. Stickers, tape, or adhesive of any kind is not to be placed on HRCC or Nekocon property; this is considered property damage and may result in expulsion from the convention without refund and/or a fine from the HRCC.
  14. The Hampton Roads Convention Center prohibits the sale or distribution of outside food or beverages. No outside food or beverages may be brought into the convention center (with the exception of water bottles).
  15. Nekocon does not tolerate fighting of any scale, swearing, or any other activities which could be deemed not family friendly or illegal. Such behavior will be judged on a case-by-case basis and may result in removal from the convention center and/or contact with Hampton Police Division.
  16. Nekocon does not tolerate the use, possession, and/or distribution of any illegal drugs and/or drug related paraphernalia within the convention. Any reports of drug use shall be turned over to Hampton Police Division.
  17. Sleeping in the Hampton Roads Convention Center is prohibited. Most hotels have similar rules pertaining to their lobby and public spaces. Anyone found sleeping outside of these vicinities may be asked to move at any time and/or removed from those vicinities.
  18. Any photography in the Artists Alley or Exhibit Hall must be done with the consent of the exhibitor. If for any reason an event in Main Events prohibits the use of cameras, Nekocon staff will attempt to put notice out in a timely and clear manner.
  19. When taking pictures please be cognizant of those around you. Do not block any attendee passage of travel or obstruct any public area. This includes the stairs, escalators, or areas at the top and bottom of the stairs and escalators. A photo booth section in the Artist Alley is provided for large groups or those wanting their photo taken away from the general crowd.
  20. All local, state, and federal laws are in effect and are always enforced. Hampton Police Division will be either present or nearby to assist in enforcing these laws for the entirety of the convention period.
  21. You must be at least 18 years of age and provide valid proof of age (i.e. Driver’s License) to view or purchase adult materials in any location on convention space. This includes, but is not limited to, hentai anime, DVDs, manga, doujinshi, periodicals, and live films. This shall also include attendance of any 18+ panels or video room.
  22. Shoes must be always worn. Invisi-shoes are allowed but you may be stopped by numerous Nekocon staffers to verify you are not barefooted.
  23. We know that there are some risqué costumes out there. Please see the Nekocon Costume Policy for detailed guidelines.
  24. Roller skates, rollerblades, and wheeled shoes (aka “heelies”)  may not be worn inside the convention center. Hoverboards and similar personal transport devices are also prohibited.  In addition, stilts may only be worn on the first floor unless staff and volunteers from Event Support Solutions, Inc., Nekocon and/or the Hampton Roads Convention Center deem that you may pose a danger to yourself or other convention attendees.
  25. Nekocon and the Hampton Roads Convention Center are not responsible for minors. Children 12 and under should always be accompanied by an adult. Children 13 and older who do not possess legal identification should be accompanied by an adult. Parents or guardians are required to ensure their children follow all Nekocon and HRCC policies.
  26. Only service dogs, as defined by the ADA and Virginia law, are permitted in Nekocon convention spaces. Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are not permitted. For more information as to what constitutes a service animal under the ADA.  please visit: [].
  27. Both Nekocon and convention center Staff reserve the right to deny entry to the Nekocon convention space at any time, for any reason, without having to provide said reason. Disputes with staff over this or any other rule may be taken up with the Department Head of that staff member’s department or the Nekocon Convention Chairperson. Convention center staff can only direct complaints to Nekocon staff on your behalf and should be allowed to run the convention center itself.
  28. Please note that Nekocon General Policy rules may be subject to change before, during, or after the convention, and changes may be made with or without advance notice or written notification depending on the dynamic of the convention. All updates will be provided as soon as possible to the public, but any immediate changes implemented by senior staff shall be immediate and binding to the current convention period.
  29. Failure to follow this policy, or any other Nekocon policy or rule could subject an attendee to consequences including, but not limited to, restrictions from certain events or performance, having their badge for the current event revoked without refund, banning from future conventions or events at future conventions, and/or referral to the relevant authorities depending on the nature of the offense.
  30. The decisions of the Convention Chairman/Vice-Chairman are final. You can contact the chair team at [email protected] with any concerns. 


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